Quick promotional video for the Final Conflict ‘Ashes to Ashes’ LP re-issue on Tankcrimes.
Tankcrimes Brainsqueeze II laminates and ticket.
Here’s the new video for Kicking Spit. The music was recorded by Mark Bronzino who also plays guitar in the band and in A.N.S. The video was originally shot and edited by Peter Azen. Scotty from Tankcrimes came to me with a concept and I went from there with some animation and compositing.
Two of my bands are having releases around the same time. I worked on the layout for both of these releases. Bad Coyotes came out with a 45 a few weeks ago. Here’s a of it of it on the record player:
The cover of the seven inch with hand drawn logo by Jason Coyote, the singer:
And my other band Uptown Leisure Boys cassette should be out soon as well:
The official release date for this was yesterday. Awesome artwork by Andrei Bouzikov! Available directly from Tankcrimes on CD, Splatter, Bong Water Blue and Die Hard:
Here’s the ad we made for Terrorizer Magazine:
This is a blast from the past, from the 2009 release ‘The Weeding’, killer artwork by Andrei Bouzikov on this one too!:
This one is also still available from Tankcrimes on Splatter.
This is the Born Against ‘Rebel Sound of Shit and Failure’ LP jacket reissue on Prank Records. The technical print problem with the original Prank Records version of this LP was that the halftone dots weren’t big enough and the overprint wasn’t set properly. This reissue looks much better than the first reissue on Prank and also looks more like the original release put out on Vermiform Records.
Layout for the Municipal Waste LP/CD on Earache:
Conqueror/Black Witchery split LP on Nuclear War Now! Productions:
I have done many many more awesome LP layouts for Nuclear War Now! Productions, and I am excited to be including those soon.
Now for some fantastic stuff on Tankcrimes:
The Abscess/Population Reduction split LP:
Some various LP Layouts:
Toxic Holocaust/Inepsy split LP jacket cover:
Shadow Kingdom Records layouts -Â Iron Man LP jacket cover:
Various Shadow Kingdom records CD layouts:
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