Promo Ad for T-shirts and designs
T-shirt designs and social media promotion for Los Huaycos:
T-shirt illustration and graphic for social media promotion:
T-shirt designs and social media promotion for Los Huaycos:
T-shirt illustration and graphic for social media promotion:
Los Huaycos ‘Ataque Bestial’ is out now! This came out beautiful and sounds great, recorded at Earhammer. It can be ordered from their site at:
It can be ordered from En Tu Kara at:
Cover art by Moses Saarni:
Incan Gold Splatter on Cordillera Blanca clear:
I made a video for a song on this release ‘Chico Song’:
We debuted these songs on our East Coast tour, our next show is in Burnt Ramen in Richmond California, it’s probably the last Los Huaycos show of 2016. There’s a couple different fliers for this same show floating around but this is the one I made:
Currently working with BBTAD on the Roksnax compilation reissue with Samurai, Hollow Ground and Saracen. Love how ancient we’re making this look!
For Tankcrimes we’re working on FYPM ‘Dumbed Down’ LP, artwork by Luke from Eel looks amazing!
Also currently working on Spazz ‘Sweatin’II Deported Live Gorilla’ these OG collages are awesome!
Instagram ad for this upcoming release:
This one I did some black letter calligraphy on! Just started teaching myself how to do this.
Futura typeface, timeless…
These T-shirts are for sale at the Los Huaycos Band Camp:
Illustration by Andrei Bouzikov logo by me. The design went in several directions being directed by the whole band I had to quickly try out several different logo options and placements. We experimented with the title and different colors too. Renzo Gianella, Garzo and Ryan Brundage all pitched in with art direction until we had something everyone could agree on. We are all happy with how these came out and can’t wait to come up with more merch for the band!
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