Lyrics video for Ghoul
Found footage motion graphics video project for Ghoul from Creepsylvania.
Found footage motion graphics video project for Ghoul from Creepsylvania.
A photo of care package of some of the more recent projects I have worked on for NWN! Prod. Including Hadez from Peru 3xLP box set four demos ranging from 86-92. Martire LP/CD. Carpathian Forest demos LP. Revenge LP. Blasphemophager picture disc LP.
This is the latest flier I have made, for Danzig and Ghoul at the Warfield. This was a collaboration with Tankcrimes direction, he picked out the old horror movie screen shot. We had never made a flier for Danzig so we were taking it back to the early 90’s and 80’s—all black and white cut and paste style, charge by phone info included and no URL’s (oh woops! just noticed the .com on the AXS logo). Stoked for our friends from Ghoul to be playing this show.
Some of the old black and white Samhain and Misfits fliers were really classic, one with the Necros comes to mind. Also old Goldenvoice fliers / two color posters, the one Otis & Biscuits made for Venom, Exodus & Hirax is awesome, 625 Thrashcore hooked me up with that one a while back.
I also recently received a care package from 625 Thrashcore for both of these projects. Spazz ‘La Revancha‘ and ‘Dwarf Jester Rising‘, these look fantastic. La Revencha is on screen printed chip board by Monolith Press, we are currently working on another re-issue of that with reverse board and two spot colors from Pirates Press.
Motion graphics ‘found footage’ assignment for Tankcrimes:
Ghoul covering Gwar “Americanized” featuring Gwar singer Uderus Urungus.
It’s been a minute…
New Bad Coyotes logo. The idea was that we needed a new logo. We researched some old album covers for ideas. There was some logo styles by The Ventures we were into and some other mostly 60’s rocknroll we were diggin’. But one look at the Perez Prado’s ‘Great  Mambos’ told us we should just scan the letters and rearrange them to work for our logo.
Thats a picture of the record we scanned to reiterate the letters for our new logo.
Bad Coyotes finally got out of the analog only realm and we started a fabo page, here’s the link if you wanna like us:
We will be recording a new cassette tape in the next month or so that should be making it to a Bandcamp page that will connect to our Fabo page soon too.
Punks flier attack:
All these have semi-large halftone dot’s so they look kinda funny on screen, but the hi-res will print nicely.
This is a Bloody Phoenix flyer I made just now for the people over at Six Weeks Records.
One of my bands, Uptown Leisure Boys is playing a gig this weekend with Abrupt for our cassette release so I had to make a flyer. My old friend Garzo from Peru will be playing with his new band out here Raised by Zebras.
My friend Josh is booking a show for Sickoids who is on tour from the east coast. He needed help with a flyer, so I made this one for him.
Ghoul’s Kickstarter video was an awesome project that I had a chance to work on. There were several parties involved. Dan Hashthrash was in charge of the shooting and editing for the first portion of the video. Ross Sewage was in charge of the sound and voice overdubs. Sean McGrath selected additional material for me to work with and gave me direction. Finally I was in charge of motion graphics —explosion. Not only were they happy with the video but funding was a success —another explosion. It was a good team team effort. Pledging ended merely 10 hours ago and they should be able to buy a van soon for there upcoming tour with Gwar. —okay another explosion.
Some upcoming layout stuff that I am stoked to be working on are ‘Toxic Waste’ Municipal Waste, Toxic Holocaust split with Andrei Bouzikov artwork on Tankcrimes. Also lots of stuff coming up on Shadow Kingdom Records, Nuclear War Now!, Buried by Time and Dust, a new release on Six Weeks Records and after a while and it looks like I might start working on some stuff with Prank Records again in the near future as well.
Normal Show at Sub Mission Gallery. This is for an upcoming Ceremony hardcore / punk / experimental show in San Francisco. I worked on this with direction from Ryan Brundage from Geldings. Printed at Econopress. We made this a 2 color job. Sort of a collage of some of the bands’ logos over a green some Ceremony t-shirt artwork.
Ghoul “Transmission Zero” is out now and shipping from Tankcrimes Records. Here is the printed gatefold LP cover after some color correction that I talked about in a previous post. The die-hard version of this comes with 3D glasses.
Here is the blue vinyl with the gatefold open behind it. We updated the traditional Ghoul center labels for this LP and used spot silver.
This was my favorite part to work on. I created this vector design with the supervision of Shaun “Digestor” McGrath. Trigonometrical fun, psychedelia and metal.
The back of the LP was influenced by a variety of old, very old records.
Saint Vitus “Die Healing” on Buried by Time and Dust with the Japanese style obi that wraps all the way around the jacket. This record has been spinning on my turntable frequently lately so I decided to make a post about it even though it came out a while back.
We worked on this late 2009 and it came out February 2010. I am really glad I was able to receive a copy from the label since it sold out very quickly. Die Healing was released on CD in 1995. It was never originally released on vinyl. This edition consists of 500 Black and 500 Green copies with embossed / cmyk+silver cover and booklet which includes lyrics, reviews and a forward by Dave Chandler himself.
Here it is featured with the Japanese style obi taken off.
We kept the labels simple for this release.
24 x 12 insert. For the cover we used an image that was used on the cd. Silver on the logo. One of my favorite methods that we used for this part of the layout was that instead of blurring the image to come up with a grayscale or cmyk image we opted to blow it up as is and keep the original halftone dots; pure black and white to avoid moiré.
The outcome gives halftone dots an organic natural rawness, perfect for Vitus.
The inside of the gatefold insert.
Thanks, up the punks!
P.S. on a side note anyone else notice how thrash metal came back a few years ago but (almost?) everyone seemed to forget the rototoms? If you don’t know what I mean listen to the first second and a half of Kreators’ ‘Pleasure to Kill’ and Possessed ‘Burning in Hell’ 0:15-0:17.
but they are fun to draw with a sharpie on unpaid bills.
Nothing new out in a while that I can recall that I worked on.
Currently finishing up Blasphemophagher “The III Command of the Absolute Chaos” layout. LP approval is going on right now and CD is about to be sent off. Pictures of that when it comes out. Awesome paintings by Paolo “Madman” Girardi.
Ghoul “Transmission Zero” is at the press right now and is out due Nov. 8 on Tankcrimes. Great artwork by Bill Hauser! The band and label were thrilled with the artwork but not exactly happy with the coloring so Bill was nice enough to send us a layered version. They had me change it to their desire and match the color scheme they had in mind. Here’s a before:
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