2024 Demo Reel
Attributions: 00:00 human skull re-meshed from Artec Eva 3D skeleton 3D scan 00:01 Art by Marald 00:03 Skull drawing by Skinner 00:06 Backdrop art by Bousema and band logos provided by Municipal Waste, Ghoul, Necrot and Dead Heat. 00:08 Art by Skinner 00:09 Art by Marald 00:13 Logos and art provided by Ghoul, art by DecoNoir Art lettering by Digestor 00:16 kilowattbar.com 00:20 Carbonized logo art by Marald 00:23 Art direction by Scotty/Tankcrimes, Necrot art by Marald 00:25 Illustrations by Skinner 00:29 Logo by Mark Reategui 00:31 Reto ‘Cuarto de la Infancia’ for Blender Hoy 00:35 Art by Par Oloffsson 00:44 Illustrations and art direction by Skinner, Skeleton from Artec Eva 3D 00:47 Art by Erol Otus 00:56 Toilet model from cgtrader.com
Music by Crunkysteezo’s Rockn’roll Factory AKA Los Pastrulasos AKA Mark Reategui