Metamorphosis Mini-Tour Mounstraso 2018

Metamorphosis asked me to do a tour graphic for a t-shirt. They asked for it to be a graphic that could be screen printed in two color.
I had talked with them a little bit about the graphic ideas. Possibly a tiger chicken bat idea, but they asked for a crab hand in there too. Here’s my process:

I started out with this collage as a sort of sketch for the graphic.

The next step was to print it out in cyan (or any color that could later be removed) to go over it with india ink.

This was my initial ink, when I saw it the next day I wasn’t that happy with it but I went with it anyways.

This was the first rendition of the tour graphic. I submitted it to the band as a preview but I told them it was okay but could be better. I thought of using some Peruvian landscape in the background printed as halftone dots, this one was too muddy as well. The band wanted me to use the logo I had previously drawn for them too, and hand-done text. We also talked about a different color scheme.
The next step was to print it out in two sheets to get higher detail.

This is where the tour graphic initially went, I drew the text by hand, I think this was what the band asked for. The final rendition was simplified a little bit from this, without the reflected text and the additional lines on the top part.
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